March 9, 2016

It's a Filipino Thing

By: Sachiko Sasaki

Being a Filipino is nothing like any other nationality especially when it comes to their beliefs and cultures. Filipinos are very superstitious with everything they see particularly with everything that is around them, which I find it very imaginative and creative. I have encountered some of these Filipino superstition beliefs from my relatives who lives in the province of Samar and Cebu. They tell me a lot of stories and information on why should and shouldn't do, because for some reasons, then me eventually would follow it since I also somehow believe in it.

Here are some of the superstitious Filipino beliefs and cultures that Filipino people think to be true:

1. "Sleeping with Wet Hair"

I like taking a bath every night then eventually, I would feel really sleepy after taking a shower. My relatives would tell me that it is bad to sleep while the hair is still wet because it could cause blindness.

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2. "Twin Bananas"
The Filipino elders say that if a pregnant woman ate some twin bananas, then there is a chance that the mother will have twins due to the eating of bananas that are stick together which actually looked like twins. Twin bananas are rare to produce and find that is why the person who eats it is fortunate.
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3. "Pagpag"
After going to the funeral, the elders would say and believe that one should go to different place first before going their respective home like mall because they believe that if someone didn't do this practice which is the "pagpag", the soul of the dead person whom they had just visited will follow and haunt them.

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4. "Usog"
Usog is a Filipino term when a child usually an infant or a toddler got sick or fever after a visitor or stranger greeted the child. The elders believes that the guardian of the child should say "puwera usog". After saying puwera usog by the guardian, the guardian would asked the visitor or stranger to placed their saliva on their finger then rub it on the child's forehead or abdomen to prevent the child from getting sick.
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5. "Garlic"
Garlic is one of the famous weapon for Filipinos especially in the provinces. It is used as their protection so that the evil creatures can't go near to them.
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6. "Langis"
I have never seen one of these but I have seen one in a Filipino horror film. Langis is a thing that helps a person to determine if there is an "aswang" or evil creature near them. The langis would create some bubble or it even looks like a water boiling inside the small bottle as a symbol of evil creature is coming near or beside the person who owns the langis.
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7. "Paglilihi"
Paglilihi is a Filipino term and belief that every pregnant woman always craves on a certain food. Adults says and believes that if the husband didn't get or buy the food that his wife is craving for, then the baby will die inside the mother's womb.
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8. "Thread on the Forehead"
I have seen a lot of people especially Filipinos who puts a small strand of thread on the forehead of their child whenever the child has hiccups. The reason why they put a strand of thread and wet the thread with their saliva before putting on the child's forehead in order to lessen or luckily get rid of the hiccups.
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9. "Sukob"
This is one of the famous superstition in the Philippines. Sukob means that if two sisters or two brothers get married on the same year, the one will have a fortunate and successful life and considered as the "Lucky" one. While the other one will have a sorrowful and unsuccessful life or also known as the "Unlucky" one.
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10. "Black Butterfly"
If a Black butterfly enters or all of a sudden appears inside your house, it means that either one of your loved ones who have passed away is visiting you or one of your family member will die. The black butterfly will also serve as a signal that someone is going to die and it is also similar to the mythological character which is the "Grim Reaper".
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If you guys want to know more about the Philippines' superstitions, then watch these videos that was made and posted by Filipina in the US. Here are the links of the videos:

Outrageous Filipino Superstitious Beliefs Vol. 1

Outrageous Filipino Superstitious Beliefs Vol. 2


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