January 31, 2016

Boodle Fighting: Family Reunion in Pampanga (2016)

by: Sandra Kahn

 Whenever there would be a family reunion, I would honestly dread it. There would always be the same awkward greetings, and the same old questions. "Where do you want to go for college?" "Do you have a boyfriend?" And I was tired of answering these questions.

But this reunion wasn't like the any other reunion. We had to drive 2-3 hours to reach my aunt's fishing lake. I got to meet my cousins from my grandmother's side and we all went fishing.

After staying under the sun for quite some time, it was finally time to eat. As I sat down at the table, I noticed something odd. There were no utensils and plates served. Everything was placed on a big banana leaf.

My mom saw my confusion and explained it to me. "This is called boodle fighting, and the rule is the whole table is your plate and you can only use your hands"

I never heard of this before, I was a bit nervous to try it. But seeing my family members doing this, I was eager and began eating. My aunt served oysters, grilled pork chop and so much more. Everyone was trying to get a piece of each viand. This was a fun experience and I enjoyed eating in an unusual way, its not everyday that I would "fight" for my food.

To learn more about boodle fights, check this blog out too! http://megasardines.com/blog/pinoy-101-the-boodle-fight-tradition/

January 30, 2016

More About Fangirling Around The World

by Paula Jae Bacolod

That fangirling feeling has caused lots of girls, and boys even, to have the feeling of excitement. Fangirling is expressed when someone talks and rants about someone or something they idolize.
I personally fangirl about bands and boybands. There are lots of things to fangirl about. My fangirling is always 24/7 especially when something new happens. I express my love to my idols by talking about them to someone or taking it to my social medias, like on Twitter. Twitter, for me, is a place where I can express my feelings. It is like art. There are also different kind of things to express art.
Twitter seen displayed on the screen of an iPhone
Retrieved from: http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/science-technology/glasgow-and-edinburgh-launch-4g-mobile-1407912#hgTzohEop2VVBOAD.97 
I have two accounts on Twitter, I have one for my personal account where my friends could follow me. My second account is where I could say anything and be anonymous, they call as a "fan account". Twitter is like my best friend, and also the people that follows me. I tell almost everything and I am really active to it.
All of these things started when I listened to music. Music is my art. My art is music. I have no other best words on how to describe it. Without music, I do not have anything to inspire me or anything to help me on achieving my dreams. Like I said before, I believe that everyone, if not everyone then almost everyone, likes music.

Retrieved from: http://saraleuiismusic.weebly.com/

There are different kinds of music. I personally love the genre pop because most of the songs have heartwarming or relatable lyrics that everyone can sing too.
My favorite boyband is One Direction. They changed my life and made me see the positive side of everything. Before, a lot would send hate of them or say rumors about them. They are also like art, you see, there will always be people who would judge them even if they are technically all the same like others. A painting where no one really knew what was the story behind it and would only see the original appearance.

In every painting, there is a story. In every person, there is also a history.

Tune in for more about this! xx


Rachiotis, G. (2014). The Importance of Music in Our Daily Lives. Retrieved from http://www.truthinsideofyou.org/importance-of-music-daily-lives/

Why The Russians Turned on Tsar Nicholas II

By Joaquin Quiros

Throughout time man has constantly been evolving. From the dawn of time up until the present, change is always constant. When change is not accepted bad things are capable of happening. A very good example of this is Tsar Nicholas II, the last ruler of the Russian Empire. Born Nicholas Aleksandrovich Romanov in Pushkin in 1868, he was the son of Tsar Alexander III and Maria Feodorovna of Denmark. Growing up he was schooled by private tutors, and excelled in history and foreign languages, however this would not serve him well in his future career as Tsar, for he had little understanding of politics and economics, affecting his performance as leader. In 1881, his grandfather Alexander II, was assassinated by radicals, thus paving the way for his father Alexander III to the throne. At age 19 he joined the military, rising up to the rank of colonel. Nicholas inherited the throne after his father died of kidney disease in 1894.Suffering from the pains of loss, and knowingly untrained and unready to become a leader, Nicholas confided with a friend and told him "I am not ready to become Tsar,I never wanted to be one and know nothing of the business of ruling." Clearly here was a man who had already set his expectations on the drawbacks of his kingship. He was officially crowned in 1896.

As Tsar he needed a Tsarina, and within a few month's of his father's passing,he managed to marry Princess Alix of Hesse-Darmstadt, also known as Alexandra, a German Princess and granddaughter of Queen Victoria. In fact at the time, nealry all of Europe's monarchs were related to one another and descended from Queen Victoria. George V of Great Britain was first cousins with both Nicholas and Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany, though Nicholas was a first cousin of George V, he wasn't with Wilhelm, however Wilhelm was the first cousin of Tsarina Alexandra. That is another story though.
With his wife, he had five children, Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia and finally, the awaited male heir, Alexei. Alexei was a hemophiliac, and as a result of his condition, the Tsar was very focused on Alexei and the rest of their family, so much to the point that he put them before the affairs of state, being an autocrat, that made matters even worse. His foreign policy relied heavily on keeping things running smoothly for Russia in Europe, but as their economy grew, the Trans- Siberian Railway was constructed, connecting Russia with the Pacific Coast as they intended to expand into the Far East. Because of these machinations, Japan felt threatened by their apparent encroachment into their territory. In 1904 The Japanese attacked Russia, and decimated their fleet at Port Arthur. They signed for peace afterwards in 1905. But the poor Tsar had more pressing things to deal with soon. On January 5 1905, forever known in history as Bloody Sunday, Father George Gapon, head of the Russian Assembly of Mill and Factory Workers, led a large group of workers massing outside of the Winter Palace in St, Petersburg to deliver a petition to their dear Tsar, "Father of the people",calling for improved working conditions and the establishment of a popular assembly. Troops stationed outside the palace reacted violently, and suppressed the riots and massacred over a thousand unarmed civilians. Peasants and workers throughout the country rallied together and rioted in protest of the event. The Tsar was eventually forced to create an elected legislature, The Duma. Even with a Duma, he still stubbornly refused and hindered government reform.

Believing himself to be a ruler ordained by God Himself, Nicholas' hubris would become his own downfall. In 1914 the world went to war, and Russia's armies performed poorly as he appointed himself commander in chief against the wishes of his ministers, as a result spending more time away from Tsarkoe Selo in St. Petersburg. In his absence the Tsarina became more withdrawn, and ever so reliant on her adviser, the mad monk, Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin, a faith healer who would try and heal Alexei's hemophilia. She was so close to Rasputin that it was implicated they had an affair, only adding more disgust to the already tainted reputation of the Russian Royals.

In 1917, as the war came to its close, Russia withdrew as a result of the mass riots across the nation. With no one to turn to, elites ruling the land and an inept ruler, the proletariat turned to communism. Vladimir Lenin, the revolutionary who had returned from exile in Siberia had come as a savior to the people, offering a way out of their horrid conditions in life, the poverty and the inflation of the ruble. He led The Bolsheviks, and their quest of establishing a Communist Nation ruled by the people. The Duma, Russia's provisional government had already turned on the Tsar and had him abdicate. He and his family were taken to the Ural mountains and placed under house arrest. Most of the aristocracy and extended members of the Royal Family had already evacuated the nation, seeking asylum in other European States. By 1918 Russia was engaged in a civil war, pro monarchy versus communist supporters. The Bolsheviks won and proclaimed a Socialist State, the triumph of the proletariat, the workers of the world had at last destroyed oligarchy and aristocracy. Eventually the Royal Family was moved from house to house, before finally set up in Yekaterinburg, where they were murdered one morning by their Bolshevik captors. The execution order coming in directly from Lenin himself.

The story of Nicholas II, the man swept into leadership beyond his will, is a story of a man who was no more than a victim of his own upbringing and circumstance. He and his family are now saints in the Russian Orthodox Church. He goes to show that ignorance, whether you like it or not, could get you dead one day. May his life be a lesson to all.




A Time To Share

by: Bersano, Jazmen Rascyl

Retrieved from: http://gph.is/1h589u3

With all the songs you have stored in your music app, may it be in iTunes or what-not, most of us only listen to only a few of them. From a variety of 458 songs in your music app, you only have 4-10 songs playing over and over again in your playlist! The fact that you listen to your jam for at least a whole week then immediately lose interest once you listen to it again is just priceless. I've even gone through those moments wherein you can't help but just scroll through your past music streams while reminiscing the times you actually listened to that and how you actually felt when you were listening to that particular song. The fact that you can't help but make yourself feel older whenever you listen to the songs you would use to sing along to day and night. Remembering the moments when you would feel hopeless whenever you don't have your earphones or headset with you due to circumstances such as: a) You lost it, or the famous one of them all b) It broke/You accidentally broke it. I remembered those days when my best friend would be my earphones because without it I wouldn't be in peace with my music and I, for living in a household filled with talkative adults, you would really not have enough privacy in the world, not even if you have your own bedroom because everyone just seems to barge into room as if it were their's too (Based from experience). 

My mom would see me crying and just look at me as though I was crazy for doing so, as though I had no right to show my emotions to others but she just doesn't know that it was not because of that book I read (maybe it was) or that movie I watched, but it was more of the message I got from the song i was listening to all this time... Won't admit the fact that I do tend to be emotional and that relating to the song or book you're reading is just right, for knowing the message and the true meaning of the piece of art you're taking in would do you good. To relate with someone doesn't have to know what they have gone through but to listen to their playlist, itself. It may look shallow but the one's playlist showcases how they truly feel deep within, for every single song has its own emotion to express and its message to relay to the listeners. To listen to something that does not make any sense is like listening to your pet, trying to understand what he/she's saying. It's okay to get carried away by the song you listen to, by the genre you fancy and by the reason why you do so, for you know that you're not the only one experiencing the pain/joy/excitement, there are so many others around the globe feeling the same way as you are.

There are moments wherein you couldn't help but just share the music with your friend or loved one, telling them, "Hey, you should listen to this song! It totally soothes you!" or simply telling them how much you are a fan of it. Having to share something special to you with a special someone is exactly combining your best possessions and getting an ever finer product out of it. But aren't you tired of sharing your music with someone while having to struggle the sharing of the earphones or headset? Doesn't it bother you that there is no other option but to just grab only the left/right part of your earphones and giving the other to someone you want to share with? Think about it, Wouldn't it be easier to have something to actually get you to share a song with someone without having to take the other part of the earphone and give it to that certain person? At first I thought that it would be impossible to not share without having to give the other piece or part of the earphone to your friend, for there has not been a record of a phone, iPod, iPad, etc. made with two or more slots for earphones to be connected on to, but now things have gone to the next level... From the hardships of this (refer to the picture below)

To finally sharing music with family and friends without having to fret with the fact that you would have to give the other piece of headset to the other anymore! Heck you could all listen to it at once now, as long as each one of you have earphones of your own, you are all in good hands.

It is amazing how one can now share his music with others with the use of these earphone and headset splitters. The fact that it is incredibly worth it, it would also give you an better time or moment to listen to your favorite song track with the best quality! Don't struggle to understand the lyrics anymore, just listen to your hearts content, it is all worth it. Nothing to ease the mood but these little bad boys showing you a new perspective of life. Go and grab one now! 

Reminder: Don't be afraid to share, for it would be one of the best way to show that you care.


  1. Griggs, J. (N/A) Getty Images. Retrieved from:                                   http://www.gettyimages.com/detail/photo/child-using-electronic-device-to-listen-to-music-royalty-free-image/172839644
  2. pleasenotawesome. (May 22, 2014). Retrieved from:  http://pleasenotawesome.com/crying-girl-listening-to-music-16559/
  3. Music Industry 101. Retrieved from: https://musicindustry101.wordpress.com/psychology-of-music-and-consumption/

INDIA: Keep Calm and Curry On

by: Katrina Dovey

           With India having one of the biggest and most popular food cultures in the world (The Top Tens, 2015), most of us have tried their food. From curry to tandoori chicken to hundreds of other recipes, India’s food is a favorite among many. With 7.68 million visitors in 2014 compared to the 2.65 million that it received in 2000 (Statista, 2016), India’s tourism has really gone up in recent years.

Photo credits: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/310115124313760806/

            There are lots of tourist spots in India. All may be related to any kind of person. There are religious sights, beaches, wild life and others. And for the more active people out there you may also do sporty activities. Trekking is a great activity to partake in. A place for you, the more mobile people, would be the Northern part of India. With pretty much every outdoor activity possible, you could go to Uttarkhand and Himachal Pradesh which could cater your wants such as trekking, skiing, and white-water rafting. Ideal trekking season is in September/October so be sure to visit in those times if you plan to go trekking.

Photo credits: http://www.brics-info.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Indian-tourist.jpg

            For those looking forward to a vacation focused more on relaxation, the south of India would be the place for you. You can relax at the beaches and read a book or just sun bathe. Take your pick of the Goan beaches – Arambol, Vagator, and Palolem are top spots – or try the black sand beaches of Kovalam and Varkala in Kerala, as well as lesser-known, golden sand in the north of the state. (Lonely Planet, 2015) On these beaches you could also have one of their favorite snacks, bhelpuri which is a combination of puffed rice, noodles, green mango and a tangy sauce.

             This brings us to our main topic, FOOD. The recipe I will be sharing today is Punjabi lemon chicken made with citrus juices, sugarcane juice and some basic Indian spices called ‘Punjabi Lemon Chicken’. Without further ado, here is the recipe:

Punjabi Lemon Chicken

Photo credits: http://food.ndtv.com/recipe-punjabi-lemon-chicken-373267


6 chicken thighs without skin

For the base:

3-4 Tbsp refined oil
2 tsp cumin seeds
2 onions julienned
6 cloves garlic chopped
1/2 inch ginger chopped
3-4 hot green chillies
3/4 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp coriander powder
Salt to taste
1 cup fresh lemon juice
1/2 cup orange juice
1/4 cup fresh sugarcane juice
Fresh coriander to garnish

Heat a heavy cooking vessel on a high heat and once its hot, add the refined oil and swirl the pan to coat the base evenly. Once the oil is nice and hot, add the cumin seeds and saute them until crackling and fragrant.

Now add the onions, garlic and ginger and sauté them gently until they take on a light golden brown color. Turn up the heat and then add the spice powders. Toast the spices on a high heat until they are intensely aromatic and well toasted. Then add a little water and bhuno the base ingredients repeatedly until the oil rises to the top and the masala is well cooked out.

Add some salt and mix well, then add the chicken thighs to the pan. Turn up the heat and fry the chicken in the masala until it is evenly coated with the flavor of the base and is a very light yellowy golden brown in color.

Now add the lemon and orange juice to the chicken and deglaze the pan well, scraping up the flavor packed pan deposits on the base of the pan. Stir everything together well to combine, then add a little sugarcane juice to balance the acidity of the lemon juice.

Bring the chicken to a boil, then turn the heat to low, cover the pan and let the chicken simmer away until it is cooked to perfection and almost falling off the bone.

Once the chicken is cooked, uncover the pan and simmer the light gravy until slightly reduced and concentrated in flavor. Turn off the heat, then garnish with fresh coriander and serve with hot rotis or rice.

Recipe by: Aditya Bal

Hope you enjoyed this recipe! See you soon for the next blog!

Signing out, KD.


January 28, 2016

Top 5 Authentic Japanese Foods

By Sachiko Sasaki

Konnichiwa minna or hello to everyone. After the Christmas break, my Mom told me that we are going to Japan for our summer vacation then I thought of posting some interesting information regarding to Japan's mouthwatering dishes which is uncommon to other countries dishes in the world. I really want something to share to you about Japan, specifically Japanese foods. Basically I will be talking about my top 5 most favorite foods in Japan that I want you guys to try. I posted the links of the dishes that shows the simple ingredients and teaches the procedures as well so that you guys could give yourself a try then let me know about your opinion and thoughts concerning the listed foods that I will be sharing with you guys in the comments below.

First things first, Before we get started I want you guys to know that Japan has one of the most famous cuisines in the world. The way they prepare their specialties food are different from a regular cooking. There are no doubts that they are really fantastic and creative in making their own dishes. If you go in a Japanese street food or a Japanese restaurant, you will be amazed on how they cook and serve their specialties not only because of how their dishes tastes and looks like but it is also because that these Japanese people are devoted with their wonderful and humble culture. They apply the beauty of their culture in their way of cooking and designing their dishes that is why the dishes there in Japan are surprisingly unique.
Retrieved from: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/japanese-restaurant-bans-couples-on-christmas-eve-to-stop-single-customers-feeling-lonely-9921081.html


1. Sukiyaki (すきやき)
Retrieved from: http://articles.latimes.com/2010/jan/27/food/la-fo-hotpotsrec27c-2010jan27

- Sukiyaki is a popular Japanese hot pot dish which is often cooked and served at the table. Sukiyaki certainly reminds me of Shabu Shabu (しゃぶしゃぶ) as well because they almost look alike but it also has difference, Sukiyaki is richer and sweeter when it comes to flavor while the Shabu shabu is more on savory than sweet compare to Sukiyaki. The reason why I love this dish because of my Dad's way of cooking and preparing it, he visits here in the Philippines once a year and usually on the month of May. He goes here so that he could celebrate my birthday with my Mom and I. I started loving this dish when my Dad served this on us for the first time. I could say that was actually my love at first taste. My dad is a great businessman and I am really impressed to him because knowing the fact that he is a fantastic cook as well.

2. Yakisoba (やきそば)
Retrieved from: http://www.timetravelturtle.com/2013/04/yakisoba-japanese-food/

- Yakisoba is well known as one of their street foods in Japan. Yakisoba is a Japanese dish of fried noodles, vegetables, meat and served with some sweet sauce. Yaki means "cooked, grilled or fried" while soba is a thin type of noodle, therefore it is also called Japanese fried noodles in English. Yakisoba is a great quick and light meal that you guys should eat if you don't want to eat heavy dishes..

3. Katsudon (かつどん)
Retrieved from: https://pinkpensandhighheels.wordpress.com/tag/katsudon/

- Katsudon is also one of my favorite Japanese food because it has egg and vegetables on it. I'm a type of girl that really loves to eat any type of vegetables because of my dad who also really loves to eat vegetables. Our breakfast, lunch and dinner would not be the same without any vegetable dish on our table, like literally. Tonkatsu and Katsudon are somewhat similar because of the breaded fried pork cutlet. However, the Tonkatsu is served with sweet sauce while the Katsudon is served with vegetable stir-fry and a small amount of omelette on top of the Katsudon. A brief definition of this in English is Pork in a bowl because Katsu means pork while Don is a short word for Donburi which means "bowl".

4. Onigiri (おにぎり)
Retrieved from: http://jpninfo.com/27798

- I am sure you guys are familiar with Sushi. In my opinion, my fourth favorite Japanese food is more likely similar to Sushi but I am not that fan of eating Sushi. Like sushi, the Onigiri is a rice that can be shaped like a triangle or circle and it is stuffed with some freshly cooked tuna inside the rice then it is wrapped with seaweed as well. However, the Onigiri is a lot more bigger compare to a piece of sushi. I would want to thank the person who invented Onigiri because it is very creative and very handy that you can just eat it without using any utensils. Onigiri is a good way to bring and eat when you guys are in a hurry.

5. Miso Soup (みそしる)
Retrieved from: http://afcsoyfoods.com/recipe/miso-soup/

- Miso soup or Misoshiru is a traditional Japanese soup consisting of dashi and miso paste. From what I have observed, when we ate in one of the Japanese restaurant, the miso soup in a bowl is always served with some steamed rice. It is actually basic to make miso soup because all in all the ingredients are easy to find while the preparing time is 5 mins and the cooking is time is just 5 mins as well, so all in all it is just 10 mins in order for you to have it. Time saver isn't?